Making Stuttering Therapy Work

In online stuttering forums when someone asks about a stuttering treatment, other people respond, “That doesn’t work.”

Why are persons who stutter so sure that “nothing works”? Hundreds of studies have reported positive results. Most stuttering therapy reviews are five stars.

This e-book explains how each stuttering therapy works, how to maximize its effectiveness, and what to do if a therapy doesn’t work for you.

This e-book is also available as videos on Youtube and TikTok.

SpeechEasy comments

Pre-School Stuttering Therapies

  • Wendell Johnson’s Indirect Therapy

    Developed in the 1930s and 1940s, this widely recommended therapy contends that parents cause their child to stutter and alters the parents’ behavior, without treating the child.

  • Lidcombe and Westmead Programs

    These modern direct therapies from Australia alter the child’s speech. Parents are trained as the primary therapy providers.

School-Age Stuttering Therapies

Adult Stuttering Therapies

Putting It All Together

No one therapy cures stuttering. But combining multiple therapies results in long-lasting fluent speech.

Author: Thomas David Kehoe
Copyright: 2021 All Rights Reserved
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