Discounts and Subsidies
Special Telephone Equipment Distribution Programs

These state programs have approved providing the Casa Futura Technologies Basic Fluency System to qualified residents:
- California Telephone Access Program
- Iowa Telecommunications Access
- Massachusetts MassEDP
- Missouri Telecommunications Access Program
- Oregon Telecommunication Devices Access Program
- Texas Specialized Telecommunications Assistance Program (also provides SmallTalk with $1000 co-pay)
- Washington Telecommunication Equipment Distribution Program
- Wisconsin Telecommunications Equipment Purchase Program (requires $100 co-pay for Basic Fluency System or $1000 co-pay for SmallTalk)
The following states also have programs to provide special telephone equipment to individuals whose speech disability interferes with their ability to use telephones. However, these states don’t regularly buy devices from us. Some of these states provide our devices but buy through distributors so we’re unaware of the sales. In some of the smaller states no stutterer has ever asked for a device from their program. It’s possible that still other states have rules that we’re unaware of that prevent them from providing our devices. One of the following programs had to shut down temporarily due to the state’s budget crisis. In any case, if you live in one of the following states contact your program and request a Basic Fluency System. Say that it is an assistive telephone device for persons with speech disabilities. After you contact your state’s program call us and tell us what you were told. If required we will contact the program director.
- Alabama Telecommunications Access Program
- Arizona Telecommunications Equipment Distribution Program
- Arkansas Telecommunications Access Program
- Georgia Telecommunications Equipment Distribution Program
- Illinois Telecommunication Access Corporation
- Kentucky Telecommunications Access Program
- Maine Telecommunication Equipment Program
- Minnesota Telephone Equipment Distribution Program
- Montana Telecommunications Access Program
- Nebraska Specialized Telecommunications Equipment Program
- Nevada Telecommunications Equipment Distribution Program
- New Hampshire Telecommunication Equipment Distribution Program
- New Mexico Telecommunications Equipment Distribution Program
- North Carolina Telecommunications Equipment Distribution Program
- Oklahoma Equipment Distribution Program
- Pennsylvania Telecommunication Device Distribution Program
- Puerto Rico Equipment Distribution Program
- Rhode Island Adaptive Telephone Equipment Program
- South Carolina Equipment Distribution Program
- South Dakota Telecommunication Equipment Distribution Program
- Relay Utah
- Vermont Equipment Distribution Program
- Virginia Technology Assistance Program
- West Virginia Telephonic Communication Device Loan Program
- Wyoming Relay Equipment Distribution
The following states do not help stutterers:
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Professional Discounts
Speech-language pathologists, schools, and other institutions: please contact us for professional discounts.
Veterans Administration Medical Centers
Veterans Administration Medical Centers regularly provide Casa Futura Technologies SmallTalk devices. Ask for an appointment with a speech-language pathologist.
Vocational Rehabilitation
We’ve had many positive experiences with state vocational rehabilitation programs. If an adult (usually 16 or older) stutterer is unemployed, these programs pay for a anti-stuttering device, speech therapy, job training, and help the individual get a job. Find your state’s program on the Job Accommodation Network website or look in your telephone directory’s government “Blue Pages” under your state’s Department of Labor or Education.
Employers and the Americans with Disabilities Act
We hear this story over and over. A stutterer asks his or her employer for assistance paying for our devices. The employer is more than happy to help. The employer offers the stutterer a promotion. The employer says, “You’re our best employee. We’ve wanted to promote you for years but we were waiting for you to talk to us about your speech.”
The Americans with Disabilities Act prevents employers from talking to employees about their disabilities. The employee must start the conversation. If your job requires talking and you ask for a reasonable accommodation such as using an anti-stuttering telephone device on phone calls then your employer is required to pay for the device. If you also need the device outside of work then your employer may only pay for half the cost.
Health Savings Accounts and Flexible Spending Accounts
We accept payment from Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA). This gives you a tax deduction for the cost of your device.
Health Insurance
Speech clinics bill insurance companies. Casa Futura Technologies doesn’t directly bills health insurance plans.
When asking for health insurance or Medicaid coverage, you will need the procedure and diagnosis codes. The CPT/HCPCS procedure code for electronic anti-stuttering devices is E1399-NU. The diagnosis code for stuttering is 307.0.
Service Clubs
We’ve had good experiences with service organizations including Sertoma (SERvice TO MAnkind) and Lions Clubs. Our experience has been that service organizations prefer to help low-income children and teenagers, and that they prefer to be approached by the child’s speech-language pathologist.
Obsolete and Used Devices
Casa Futura Technologies donates used devices to speech clinics and individuals in developing countries. We have donated devices to recipients in Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, and South Africa.