Stuttering Jokes!
A stutterer goes to a two-week intensive stuttering therapy program. [...]
Video: Listeners Tell Me They Like My Stuttering
In an acting class we wrote, [...]
Speech Therapy
Why Stuttering Therapy Fails 1: Not Talking Enough
My biggest speech breakthrough was in 1995. I’d built an electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback device that measured my respiration, vocal folds, lips, jaw, and tongue muscle activity. As I tensed my [...]
Why Stuttering Therapy Fails 2: Deliberate Practice
I recently read Anders Ericsson's book Peak, about how individuals develop skills and improve performance. Ericsson is a professor of psychology at Florida State University. He developed the concept of [...]
Stuttering “Experts” are the Used Car Salesmen of Speech Pathology
Why do stuttering experts tout ineffective treatments, and disparage or ignore evidence-based, effective treatments? In my blog post The Ph.D. Effect: How Too Much Education Makes Some People Stupid, I [...]
The Ph.D. Effect: How Too Much Education Makes People Stupid
Psychologists have studied the judgment of experts since the Tenerife airport disaster. On March 27, 1977, KLM's top Boeing 747 pilot started to take off on a foggy runway in [...]
First Study of Cognitive Bias Modification for Social Anxiety in Stutterers
Many stutterers suffer from social anxiety disorder. Until recently the only evidence-based treatment for social anxiety disorder in stutterers is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which must be provided by a [...]
Study Finds MPI and Fluency Shaping Stuttering Therapy Changes Brain Activity
Brain scans find that therapy to slow stutterers' speech changes neurological activity while increasing speaking rate, fluency, and speech naturalness. A $3 million, six-year study [ref]Ingham, R.J., et al. Regional [...]
Practice Word Lists
These 357 words include every combination of consonant and vowel in the English language. Word List 1 able baby chainsaw dateline famous gatepost halo jaywalk cable label mailbag nadir pacer [...]
Neurology of Stuttering
Brain Imaging Studies Brain imaging studies have been done with [...]
Genetics of Stuttering
Familial Incidence of Stuttering At least 25 studies have investigated [...]
What is Stuttering?
Stuttering is a speech disorder with involuntary repetition and prolongation [...]
Electronic Devices
Support Groups
Stuttering Support Group Activities
Likely you've never met another stutterer. You've never seen a [...]
Other Fluency Disorders
Cluttering and Other Fluency Disorders
Cluttering Cluttering (also called tachyphemia) is a communication disorder characterized [...]