Fluency Master

About: The Fluency Master device amplified bone-transmitted phonation. The device is no longer available.

Evidence: One clinical trial was presented at a conference. The device reduced stuttering 14% in conversation without therapy. It was more effective for reading aloud, and when used with therapy.

References: Webster, R. (1991). Manipulation of vocal tone: implications for stuttering. In Peters, H., Hulstijn, W., & Starkweather, W. (Ed.), Speech Motor Controls and Stuttering. New York, NY: Elsevier.

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 1 reviews
 by Paul Goldstein
Fluent for a few months, then a total wearing-off

I rate this product squarely in the middle as an overall average, but by segments of time the ratings would be: First month - 5, second month - 4, third month - 2, after that - 0. I obtained my Fluency Master in 1991, when in the throes of very severe stuttering. Immediately I was able to speak perfectly fluently. I kept the device on all the time when speaking, and my amazing total fluency continued for many weeks. During that time I relied totally on the Fluency Master for fluency. After six weeks small disfluencies started creeping back into my speech, and these quickly worsened. Two months into wearing the device, my stuttering was back. I decided to then combine the device with practice and monitoring of fluency shaping targets (perhaps I should have done that from the beginning). The device was moderately helpful for another month, but no longer gave near-miraculous effects. After three months, the Fluency Master was of no help whatsoever. The wearing off was complete.